About TIVI

Solving your remote voting challenges

Remote voting presents a set of unique challenges compared with voting in a controlled environment (polling station). TIVI has been specifically engineered to mitigate these challenges and to ensure that voter privacy is maintained, electoral fraud and manipulation eliminated, voter coercion reduced and the overall integrity of the electoral process improved.

Voters are empowered by TIVI to securely cast their ballots from any location using their own laptop, desktop, smartphone or tablet without having to visit a polling station, embassy or consulate or to vote by post.

Cast as intended, stored as cast, counted as cast

TIVI is the only online voting solution in the world that allows universal digital verifiability to prove the integrity of the vote, from the point of casting to counting. It is the most technically advanced solution in terms of addressing security, secrecy and vote anonymity.

Reduce risk with our proven technology

TIVI is based on the world leading Estonian online voting protocol, which has been used for 11 years to successfully deliver 8 nationwide Estonian elections. TIVI has been conceived and developed by globally recognized experts in election technology, identity management, information security, cybersecurity and verifiable cryptography.

This proven and tested solution eliminates or significantly reduces all risks associated with remote voting.

  • Enhanced security

    Features 'end-to-end' vote encryption, digital signatures and advanced cryptographic protocols to ensure vote privacy and integrity.

  • Eligibility assured

    Universal support for strong authentication options to enforce eligibility assurance (including multi-factor and biometric technologies).

  • Improved transparency

    Audibility toolsets and API to allow deep technical/procedural audits to enhance electoral transparency.

  • Universal digital verification

    Provides a mechanism to prove the integrity of the vote from the point of casting to counting utilising Blockchain technologies.